Q.8 If x+y+ z = 8 and xy +yz+zx = 20 find the value of x3+y3+z3 -3xyz.
Q.9 If a+b+c = 9 and a2 +b2+c2 =35 find the value of a3+b3+c3 – 3abc.
Q.10 Find the value of 2.73 -1.63-1.13 using a suitable identity.
Q.11 Factorize the following by using a suitable identity:
(a) a3 +b3 – 8c3 + 6abc (b) (a/b)3 + (b/c)3 + (c/a)3 -3 (c) 8x3 -27y3 + 125 z3 + 90xyz
Q.12 Find the value of a3 + 8b3 if a + 2b = 10 and ab =15.
Q.13 Find the value of a3 -27b3 if a - 3b =( -6) and ab = (-10)
Q.14 Find the values of m and n if y2-1 is a factor of y4 + my3 +2y2 -3y +n.
Q.15 (x +2 ) is a factor of mx3 +nx2+x-6. It leaves the remainder 4 when divided by (x-2). Find m and n.PLS ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS
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Chapter information
R. D Carmichael, Diophantine analysis (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; [etc., etc.], 1915), 55-73
First available in Project Euclid: 12 January 2010
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