Q.➡️ A lot of theft cases are taking place in the colony where you reside. There are no police patrols, the police station is 2 miles away. Hooligans roam free in the evening. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, asking him to help your colony in getting proper police station to maintain law and order in the locality. You are Vijay Mittal.
☯Required Letter:-
Karmbandhu Apartments
Lodhi Road
New Delhi
Date- 22nd November 2020
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Subject- Increase of theft and its solutions.
I am writing this letter to your esteemed self to express my deep concern over the increasing thefts rate in our locality. Last week some furniture was being stolen in a flat and the people owning the flat were on a holiday. Every 15 days these kinds of thefts are happening. There is an atmosphere of insecurity and fear in the entire locality. People are blaming each other and makes violence all around.
All people became scared of this. No one wants to leave their home because of thefts. Some of the watchman stated that they haven't seen anyone coming in from the main gate. We do not have a police patrols near our locality. As we go to the police station, we have to travel 2 miles. This is a very long route. We the residents of the locality have lodged a written complaint with the local Police Station in which we requested the SHO for permanent patrolling by the cops during the evening. But still we found no response.
So I therefore request you to type an article on your daily so that the police gets aware what is happening and to get a proper police station. Also what is hapenning in our locality and help maintain law and order in the locality. I will be very glad if you do this.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Vijay Mittal
Resident of Karmbandhu Apartments
NOTE:- _ Sign is placed where leaving a line is necessary.
☯Format of formal letter:-
- Senders address
- Date
- Receivers address
- Subject
- Body
- Complementary close
- Name/Signature
- Designation
☯Important Points:-
Here are some points to be noted while writing a formal letter.
➡️Here, we have to write a formal letter, so here we will use non-friendly words.
➡️The introduction of the body part must clearly state the reason for writing the letter.
➡️Use simple language with direct message. Try to be complete.
➡️Proper punctuation and correct spellings should be used.
➡️State the purpose of your formal letter in the first paragraph and don't veer from the subject.
➡️Short, concise and simple are three important words to keep in mind when writing business letters.