(Q) change the following sentence by indirect speech to direct speech
1: Jerry said (that) he would be busy.
2: Lilly told me (that) she prefferd rainy day.
3: Anna said (that) she studied harvard.
4: horrid said (that) he was playing chess with is granddad.
5: Lucas told me (that) he sleep outside.
1. Jerry said (that) he would be busy.
Ans: Jerry said that, "I will be busy."
2. Lilly told me (that) she prefferd rainy day.
Ans: Lilly told me that, "I prefer rainy day."
3. Anna said (that) she studied in Harvard.
Ans: Anna said that, "I study in Harvard."
4. Horrid said (that) he was playing chess with grandfather.
Ans: Horrid said that, "I am playing chess with grandfather."
5. Lucas told me (that) he sleep outside.
Ans: Lucas told me that, "I sleep outside."
Direct Speech:
When the words or pharse of the speaker are replicated by another speaker accurately then we can say that the sentence is called direct speech.
Indirect Speech:
When the words or pharse of the speaker are replicated by another speaker not accurately then we can say that the sentence is called indirect speech.
Direct Speech:
- The words of the speaker are inverted commas in direct speech.
- There is a comma before a sentence.
Indirect Speech:
- The words of the speaker are not inverted commas in indirect speech.
- There is a comma before a sentence.
1. Jerry said (that) he would be busy.
Ans: Jerry said that, "I will be busy."
2. Lilly told me (that) she prefferd rainy day.
Ans: Lilly told me that, "I prefer rainy day."
3. Anna said (that) she studied in Harvard.
Ans: Anna said that, "I study in Harvard."
4. Horrid said (that) he was playing chess with grandfather.
Ans: Horrid said that, "I am playing chess with grandfather."
5. Lucas told me (that) he sleep outside.
Ans: Lucas told me that, "I sleep outside."