English, asked by areebmohd521, 4 months ago


1. Whose fables is the poem “The Ant and The Cricket” adapted from?

(a) Rudyard Kipling

(b) Paulo Coelho

(c) Dan Brown

(d) Aesop

2. Why men found reasons to kill each other was _____.

(a) Easier to understand

(b) Difficult to understand

(c) Not needed to be understood

(d) Not mentioned in the poem

3. Why according to him did the nightmares disappear?

A. He was no longer afraid of the subject

B. His psyche must have gotten over it

C. He did not have enough time for nightmares

D. Both B and C

4. The little boy could not climb the tree because he

(a) was afraid (b) was too small

(c) was lame

(d) found that the tree was too high

5. Velu had run away from home because

(a) there was no food at home

(b) there was no work in the village

(c) he was an orphan

(d) he could not stand his father’s beatings

6. Why did the camel live in the middle of the desert?

(a) The camel lived in the desert because his parents lived there.

(b) The camel lived in desert because he loved the place.

(c) The camel lived in the desert because he worked there.

(d) The camel lived in the desert because he did not want to work.

7. The worst sufferers under the British rule were

(a) who served in East India Company

(b) the business community

(c) the religious leaders

(d) the poor farmers and artisans

8. The little girl who saved many lives during the tsunami rage was

(a) Meghna

(b) Almas Javed

(c) Tilly Smith

(d) Penny Smith

9. January 25, 1915 was the date on which

(a) the narrator pulled out the drawers

(b) Jim’s letter came to Connie

(c) Jim wrote the letter

(d) Jim met Hans Wolf

10. What did the notice board say?

A. Trespassers will be rewarded

B. Trespassers will be punished

C. Trespassers will be appreciated

D. Trespassers will be prosecuted​


Answered by mohan7007331


1) c I think Dan brawo

2)d not mentioned in the poem ( I think)

3)both B andC ( confirm)

4)b) was too small

5)d) he could not understand his father's beatings

6)d) camel lived in the desert because he did no want to work

7)d)the poor famers and artians

8)c) Tilly Smith (I think ) check in your book

9)b) Jim 's letter one to coine

10)plz check in your book

be happy

all the best

Answered by kumarankita1607


whose fables in the poem "The ant and the cricket" adapted from

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