Government of India says India is one the greatest financial super power, in which terms India is going to be richer and richer day by day. For me it is quiet surprise that India is a country with strong economy.
As far as India concern it is one of the poorest country in the world, 24 % are below poverty line,
millions of children under nutrient, millions of poor people not even
toilet, India’s growth model for sure has benefitted the businessmen
but failed when we see that near about 213 million Indians go hungry
every night, International poverty line is US$ 1.25 per day (PPP) and
as per the World Bank report 32.7% of the population in India lives
below the poverty line whereas 68.7% survive on less than US$ 2 per
day. 45% of children in India are malnourished. India has the worst
infant mortality rate and it is even worse than Bangladesh and Sri
Lanka. Although Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is showing an impressive
growth over a period of time but because of poverty regional,
economical and social disparity has increased to manifold. These are
few of the daunting and much talked about facts related to poverty in
One of five largest slums in the world is in India and other parts
as well in our country. Sanitation and hygiene is severely lacking
in India, and can be the cause of many problems and illness for
visitors and creating a nasty impression about the Government of
India is other addition about our country, no proper garbage
disposal in many part of India, beggars in march every part of India,
stretching hands to visitors or to nationals, moves in single and
crowded, mostly market places, supermarket, railway stations and in
front of restaurants are the favorite places for them. Chasing
foreigners is common sight.
Most of our people made exodus to other countries mostly to Middle
East to meet both end of their life by melting their flush and blood
in the sweltering heat of sands of the land of desert, because our
country is not at all rich to provide employment to most of skilled
and unskilled people with his mother land, this the reality of our
country, and our Government should open their eyes and see the
realities, if they see the reality never deny any helping hand extend
by any generous friendly country to Indian suffering people. In this
acute situation how a country can deny any generosity come from
outside. India is rich and develop country only for few and the development in the city hubs, Go and see the real India where people starving and sleeping on foot path , under the bridge and into the pipes. This is real India.