English, asked by poojagaba, 8 months ago

Q. In each question below, a sentence is given, part of which has been italicized. Three
possible substitutes for the italicized part are suggested as alternative. Choose the alternative
which can most appropriately replace the italicized part, to make the sentence grammatically
correct. However, if you think the sentence is correct as it is choose No change required as
your answer.
1. Please blow up the candle.
a. turn off
b. blow out
c. put off d. No change required
2. He was born to rich parents.
a. born from b. born by
c. born of d. No change required
3. He has done nothing from yesterday.
a. after
b. since
c. through d. No change required
4. I wish I was a millionaire.
a. had been
b. were
C. am
d. No change required
5. The film show began when we arrived in the hall.
a. had begun b. had began
c. would begin d. No change required
6. They will be coming to attend the party, isn't it?
a. aren't they b. wouldn't they c. won't they d. No change required
7. I advise you to call at the doctor for consultation.
a. call in
b. call to
c. call upon d. No change required
8. The article should not exceed more than a hundred words.
a. exceed beyond b. exceed
c. exceed than d. No change required​


Answered by noorpreetkaur1234

Answer: 1- b

2- d







Hope it helps you

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