Social Sciences, asked by ashwinjk9530, 8 months ago

Q.No: 1. When was Non-co operation and Khilafat Movement launched?
1. January 1921
2. January 1934
3. January 1942
4. None of these

Q.No: 2. Simon commission arrived in India in-------------.
1. 1916
2. 1921
3. 1928
4. None of these

Q.No: 3. Which one of the following resolved the issue of separate electorates for dalits between Gandhi and Ambedkar in 1932?
1. second round table conference
2. Poonapact
3. Khilafat Movement
4. None of these

Q.No: 4. What were the colours of tri-colour first designed?
1. Red-Blue-White
2. Red-Blue -orange
3. Red-Green-Yellow
4. None of these

Q.No: 5. .What was the demand of the peasants of Kheda?
1. Remission of loans
2. Relaxation in Revenue collection
3. Monetary help
4. None of these

Q.No: 6. In which province were Council elections not boycotted?
1. Bombay
2. Calcutta
3. Madras
4. None of these

Q.No: 7. who were sanatanis?
1. the spiritual leader of muslim community
2. workers
3. labourers
4. None of these

Q.No: 8. What was the Prime factor in the emergence of Modern Nationalism in India?
1. Khilafat Movement
2. Anti colonial Movement
3. Jallian Wala Bagh Incident
4. None of these

Q.No: 9. At which place did the salt march organised by Mahatma Gandhi terminated?
1. Cochin
2. Dandi
3. Mumbai
4. None of these

Q.No: 10. When did Mahatma Gandhi return from South Africa?
1. 1914
2. 1915
3. 1916
4. None of these

Q.No: 11. When did the police fire upon a peaceful procession in Amritsar?
1. 10-Apr
2. 12-Apr
3. 14-Apr
4. None of these

Q.No: 12. In which year did gandhiji decide to launch a nation wide Satyagraha against Rowlatt Act?
1. 1928
2. 1919
3. 1929
4. None of these

Q.No: 13. Who was the writer of 'Vandematram'?
1. Bankin Chandra Chatto Padhyay
2. C.R.Das
3. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
4. None of these

Q.No: 14. What is meant by Begar?
1. Forced labour without payment
2. the election
3. khadi store
4. None of these

Q.No: 15. Which Muslim leader willing to give up the demand for separate electorate?
1. Muhammed Iqbal
2. Muhammed Ashiq
3. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
4. None of these

Q.No: 16. Where did Mahatma Gandhi use his noble idea of Satyagraha for the first time?
1. India
2. Britian
3. South Africa
4. None of these

Q.No: 17. The Champaran Movement was aimed at__________.
1. Peasants
2. British
3. Oppressive Plantation System
4. None of these

Q.No: 18. Mahatma Gandhi was accompined by__________volunteers during the Salt March.
1. 78
2. 73
3. 75
4. None of these

Q.No: 19. Who is the author of the book' Hind Swaraj'?
1. Jawaharlal Nehru
2. Mahatma Gandhi
3. Sardar Patel
4. None of these

Q.No: 20. Name the Flag which was designed by Gandhiji in 1920.
1. National flag
2. tri colour flag
3. swaraj flag
4. None of these

Q.No: 21. What was the Main reason of wide spread anger in moral areas during the First world war in India?
1. taxation
2. forced recruitment
3. Remission of loans
4. None of these

Q.No: 22. When did Mahatma Gandhi organise a Satyagraha Movement in Ahmedabad among Cotton Mill workers?
1. 1918
2. 1919
3. 1920
4. None of these

Q.No: 23. What was the Objective of General Dyer behind the Jallian Wala Bagh Massacre?
1. To suppress resentment
2. To show his ability
3. To produce a moral effect
4. None of these

Q.No: 24. Who gave the call for purna swaraj?
1. Jawaharlal Nehru
2. Mahatma Gandhi
3. Alluri Sitaram Raju
4. None of these

Q.No: 25. In which session of Congress in 1920,Non -Co operation programme was adopted?
1. Bombay
2. Nagpur
3. Lahore
4. None of these​


Answered by mahamadasraf75


1)none of these



4)None of these

5)None of these


7)None of these

8)None of these



11)10 april


13)Bankin chandra chatto padhyay

14)Forced labour without payment

15)Mohammad Ali jinnah

16)None of these



19)Mahatma Gandhi

20)swaraj flag

21)None of these


23)None of these

24)jawaharla Nehru

25)None of these

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