English, asked by emailpchouhann1, 5 months ago

Q Read the extract gives below and answer the questions that follow
Most of us leur basic arithmetic at schooland weat remember that some
students were better atit than others than brightgil who could do some twice on
fast as the rest of us or the boy who could prove theorems in a trio of course all
subjects attract a range of skills, but almost unique to mathematics are a handful
of extreme outliers who are so good it seems they are deploying some from of
magie. The best-known genius of this type was Srinivasa Ramanujan
Bom in 1887, Ramanujan was an eccentric young Indla student who lived in
obscurity in the town of kumbakonam in the state of Tamil Nadu, Bestowed
with remarkable analytical skills, by the age of 13 he had devised his own scheme
for computing the digits of pihis is still in use today. He spent much of his spare
time scribbling formulae in notebooks or on a small blackboard,
By the age of 23 Ramanujan was convinced he was making important new
discoveries in mathematics, and was enterprising enough to write a letter to the
eminent Cambridge Professor of Mathematics G.H. Hardy, "I beg to introduce
myself to you as a clerk in the accounts department of the port of Madras." Ito
began, "I have had not university education". Ramanujan then set out some of
his remarkable results.
Nis easy to imagine a distinguished for professor such as Hardy shrugging
aside this letter arriving out of the blue from an unknown amateur In faraway
Madras. But to his great credit, Hardy recognized a touch of pure genius in
Ramanujan's theorems, many of which were highly unusual in their form and
betrayed an extraordinary originally. And this although most of Ramanjuan's
theorems were merely stated as fact, with no formal proof accompanying them.
It was almost as if the young Indian had plucked the results ready-made from
same abstract realm of mathematical forms and relationship. When Hardy replied
asking about proofs, Ramanujan was coy, saying he had his own unusual
methods, and that without proper explanation,"you will at once point me to the
lunatic asylum."​


Answered by ananya67890


Q Read the extract gives below and answer the questions that follow

Most of us leur basic arithmetic at schooland weat remember that some

students were better atit than others than brightgil who could do some twice on

fast as the rest of us or the boy who could prove theorems in a trio of course all

subjects attract a range of skills, but almost unique to mathematics are a handful

of extreme outliers who are so good it seems they are deploying some from of

magie. The best-known genius of this type was Srinivasa Ramanujan

Bom in 1887, Ramanujan was an eccentric young Indla student who lived in

obscurity in the town of kumbakonam in the state of Tamil Nadu, Bestowed

with remarkable analytical skills, by the age of 13 he had devised his own scheme

for computing the digits of pihis is still in use today. He spent much of his spare

time scribbling formulae in notebooks or on a small blackboard,

By the age of 23 Ramanujan was convinced he was making important new

discoveries in mathematics, and was enterprising enough to write a letter to the

eminent Cambridge Professor of Mathematics G.H. Hardy, "I beg to introduce

myself to you as a clerk in the accounts department of the port of Madras." Ito

began, "I have had not university education". Ramanujan then set out some of

his remarkable results.

Nis easy to imagine a distinguished for professor such as Hardy shrugging

aside this letter arriving out of the blue from an unknown amateur In faraway

Madras. But to his great credit, Hardy recognized a touch of pure genius in

Ramanujan's theorems, many of which were highly unusual in their form and

betrayed an extraordinary originally. And this although most of Ramanjuan's

theorems were merely stated as fact, with no formal proof accompanying them.

It was almost as if the young Indian had plucked the results ready-made from

same abstract realm of mathematical forms and relationship. When Hardy replied

asking about proofs, Ramanujan was coy, saying he had his own unusual

methods, and that without proper explanation,"you will at once point me to the

lunatic asylum."

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