Q Show the time at which different things happened.
At 1.00, the first guest came. In a few minutes, everyone was there. At 1:30 we went
outside to run races.
We ran three relay races. In the first race, you had to keep an egg on your spoon while
you run. That took about 15 minutes. The next race was the funniest. Each group had a bag
of clothes. We had to put on all the clothes before we could run.
That race lasted half an hour. Then we had a skipping race
At 2:30, we had lemonade and watermelons. By 3:00 the party was over.
a) First guest comes
b) egg race begins
c) clothes races begins
d) skipping race begins
e) lemonade and watermelon
f) party over
Answered by
a at 1
b at 1: 30
c at 1: 45
d at 2: 15
e at 2: 30
f by 3
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