Q. Two farmers are growing crops in farm A and B. Farmer is using the conventional farming technique for farm A and another farmer is using hybridisation for growing a new plant in farm B. After some year, plants in farm A seems to be weaker than farm B. What might be the most appropriate reason behind this? A Farmer is using self-pollination technique for farm A; defective characters are getting eliminated B Farmer is using cross-pollination in farm B which does not yield new varieties C Farmer is using self-pollination; abundant seeds are produced Farmer is using self-pollination in farm A whereas in farm B cross-pollination is done for plants
The production of this manual is a joint activity between the Climate, Energy and Tenure
Division (NRC) and the Technologies and practices for smallholder farmers (TECA) Team
from the Research and Extension Division (DDNR) of FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
The realization of this manual has been possible thanks to the hard review, compilation and
edition work of Nadia Scialabba, Natural Resources officer (NRC) and Ilka Gomez and Lisa
Thivant, members of the TECA Team.
Special thanks are due to the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
(IFOAM), the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International Institute
for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) for their valuable documents and publications on organic
farming for smallholder farmer
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