English, asked by zackariaalikhan, 7 months ago

Q: Use the Possessive form of these phrases in a sentence.
1. the house belonging to the family
______________________________________________________________ 2. the friend of Harry ______________________________________________________________ 3. the pet belonging to Grandpa ______________________________________________________________ 4. the car owned by the teacher ______________________________________________________________ Q: Add the Apostrophes in the correct places in these sentences:
1. Ive forgotten my dictionary but Ill bring it tomorrow.
2. The team shirts arent ready so well wear our old ones.
3. I cant go any faster so youll have to save me a place.
4. The boys say theyve finished and theyll go home after changing. 5. Its a beautiful day, so lets have our lesson outside.
6. Lucy didnt want to give a speech because she hadnt had time to practice. 7. I wont leave before youve finished.
8. She couldnt decide which sport shed rather watch.


Answered by priyansusahoo26


I would be answer this question in 8minutes

zackariaalikhan: Answer for brainliest
Answered by deeptikoundal141


Singular Possessives

Add 's to singular words to show possession.

Dog's collar sister's backpack car's engine

(dog + 's) (sister + 's) (car + 's)

If a singular word ends in s, it is still necessary to add 's.

Charles's sneakers Bess's dresses bus's tires

(Charles + 's) (Bess + 's) (bus + 's)

Plural Possessives

If you have added an s to make a word plural (for example, cat ⇒ cats), adding 's will sound ridiculous (cats's). In that case, add only the apostrophe to the end of the word.

Dogs' collars sisters' backpacks cars' engines

(dogs + ') (sisters + ') (cars + ')

Just like singular possessives, plural possessives that don't end in s add 's.

Children's homework fish's bowls octopi's tentacles

(children + 's) (fish + 's) (octopi + 's)

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