Q.what is the biological importance of sodium,potassium,calcium and magnesium?
1. Sodium ions are found inside the human cells such as Nerve Cells. They regulate the flow of water across the membrane.
2. They are needed for transport of sugars and amino acids into the cells.
3. Sodium maintains the electrolyte balance in the body.
4. Salts of sodium such as sodium chloride is used as a preservative in pickling.
biology importance of potassium -
1. Potassium ions are primarily found inside the cell.
2. Potassium ions maintain the osmolarity of the cell. They also regulate the opening and the closing of the stomata.
3. Potassium ions acts as cofactor for certain enzymes such as pyruvate kinase.
4. Potassium is important in heart function and in skeleton and muscle contraction.
5. Diets with low potassium leads to hypertension.
biological importance of magnesium -
1. Magnesium is essential for the activity of the various enzymes such as enzymes of glycolysis.
2. It is the central atom present in.
3. It is a cofactor for the breakdown of the fats and glucose.
4. It is essential for the synthesis of the energy currency of the cell, that is, ATP.
5. Responsible for the stability and synthesis of DNA.
biological importance of calcium -
1. Maintains the anionic balance in the plant vacuole.
2. Used to stabilize the permeability of cell membranes.
3. Important for structure and function of proteins.
4. Essential component during blood clotting.
s, It also brings about muscle contraction.
❤.Significane of Na, K in biological fluids.
Na+ ions participate in the transmission of nerve signals.
Na+ ions regulate the flow of blood across the cell membrane.
Na+ ions resonsible for transport of sugars and amino acids into cells.
K+ ions are useful in activating enzymes.
K+ ions participate in the oxidation of glucose to produce ATP.
K+along with Na+ responsible for the transmission of nerve signals.
❤. signicicane of mg2+
mg2+ ions are concentrated in animal cells.
Enzymes like "phosphohydrolases'and 'phospho transferases'contains Mg2+ ions.
These enzymes participate in ATP reactions and release energy in the process Mg2+ forms a complex witg ATP
Mg2+is a constitute of chlorophyll, the green component of plants.
❤.Significance of ca2+
Used in teeths and bones.
used in cogulation of blood.
necessary for muscle contraction.