Q- Why is DNA copying an essential part of the process of reproduction?
DNA copying is an essential part of the reproduction process because an organism's entire genetic information is contained within the DNA. If the DNA mutates, then there is a chance that the resulting organism may be born with a deformity or other genetic abnormality.
A N S W E R :
DNA is copying as essential part of the process of reproduction because DNA copying is a fundamental incident in reproduction. Two copies are built in reproducing cells. These two copies need to separate from each others. One copy of DNA remain in the original cell and other copy need to have any organised cellular structure for maintaining life processes. So, DNA copying is efficient by creation of an additional cellular structure. In this way, two copies are separated and two new cells are formed.
Importance :
DNA stored information for the inheritance of features from parents to next generation. DNA present in nucleus of cells are the information source of making protein. If information is different, different protein will be made that lead to already body design.