English, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

Q.Write 100 tough meaning of English ...

ojaswi65: hyy amy


Answered by nikitasneha


1. Ineffable: inexpressible
2. Elixir :a good potion
3.Imbue: instill
4.Embrocation: rubbing a lotion
5.Dulset : sweet
6.Ephemeral:short lived
7.Lithe: flexible
8.opulent: luxurious
9.abjure: formally reject
10.feral: savage
11.knell:sound of bell to announce someone's death
12.pariah : a person who is rejected from the society
13.negligent:lack of attention or concern
14.incumbent:duty or responsibility
15.gratuitous: unnecessary
16.eloquent: to express clearly or effectively
17.plethora : excess
18.rife:execessively abundant
19.yoke: to join or connect
20.vitruoso: skilled in any field
21.travesty: a composition
22.obdurate: stubbornly persistent in doing wrong
23.palliate: lessen
24.munificient: very generous
25.inane: devoid of intelligence
26.solicitous: full of anxiety and concern
27.ubiquitous: being present everywhere at once
28.zephyr: a slight wind
29.elated: full of spirit
30.inimical: not friendly
31.erudite: learned
32.admonish: scold or reprimand
33. bilk: cheat someone for money
34.callous: emotionally hardened
35.derivate: obtained from other compound
36.dispel: cause to separate
37.edict: a formal proclamation
38.emulate: to imitate
39.fractious : easily irritated
40.dearth: an insufficient quality
41.contrite: express pain or sorrow
42.alacrity: eagerness or liveliness
43.render:give an interpretation of
44.dwell: think anxiously
45.harry: annoy continuously
46.venture: proceed somewhere despite the risk
47.manifest: to appear
48.stake: a strong wooden or metal post
49.toil: work hard
50.bestow : present
51.lofty: of imposing height
52.heed: pay close attention to
53.cede: control over
54.facile: lacking depth
55.ordain: invest with ministerial authority
56.pious: showing reverence
57.retort: a quick reply
58.exalt: praise or honour
59.throng: press tightly
60.assail: attach someone physically or emotionally
61.kindle: catch fire
62.intrigue: curious
63.cower: crouch
64. canon: a collection of books
65. beseech: request earnestly
66.pomp: cheap display
67.propriety: correct behaviour
68. fathom: come to understand
69. clad : provided with clothing
70. besiege: harrass
71. insurgent: to oppose government
72. scrupulous: having ethical or moral principles
73. wistful: sowing sadness
74. mortify: cause to feel shame
75. caprice: a sudden desire
76.muster: gather or bring together
77. austere: severely simple
78. stratum: people having same economic and social status
79. exasperat : irritate
80. foster: promote growth
81.acquiesce: agree
82. slew: a large number
83. wanton: unprovoked
84. fray. a noisy fight
85.nominal: insignificantly small
86. ebb: decline
87. tarry: leave slowly and hesitantly
89. cant: insincere talk about religion or morals
90. horde: a moving crowd
91. Pall : a sudden numbing dread
92. asunder: into parts or pieces
93.beguile: influence by slyness
94.ford : cross a river where it is shallow
95. Allay: calm
96. docile: easily handled or managed
97.rend : tear
98. chagrin: embarrassment
99. audacious: to take risk
100. bulwark: a protective structure of stone or concrete.


nikitasneha: thanks❤️
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