English, asked by 03218233367, 6 months ago

Q) Write a story that includes a sentence: ‘I had never been in such trouble before.’
You are advised to write between 180-200 words. [5]


Answered by anamikamondal983


 never been so scared in all my life ( story ) "I had never been so scared in all my life" The mood of Halloween was in the air. It was the 31st October, and large pumpkins were being put out for sale at the farms. Everyone in our town, Hornsea, was getting ready for Halloween. Statues of goblins and evil witches could be seen everywhere. To your left, to your right, and even above. That day, at lunch time, I had an odd and beastly-looking woman, come up to me and chunter in my face 'it's a myth, evil doesn't exist', but it looked like I had just seen evil staring me right in the face. For the rest of the day I kept pondering what she could have meant, then it struck me - at exactly 4.06pm, it struck me. Next to our town was Brigstone, a small mining town which was well known for the legend of the witches circle. It was said that twelve witches used to live there and at the stroke of midnight, they would fly around the town creating nuisance and terrifying anyone in their path. ...read more.


Then quickly turning I ran for the shelter of the den where I hid hoping to do some scaring of my own. I had settled in behind a rock above Devils Den and feeling pleased with myself, waited for the sound of crunching leaves. I listened intensely, but what broke the silence was not the sound I expected to hear. From below me, I heard chanting. The sound reminded me of an old movie about evil witches you would see on late night television. I slowly turned around to see who or what it was that was doing the chanting. Suddenly, from behind, a strong arm grabbed me. I opened my mouth to scream, but it was quickly covered by a second hand. As I struggled to get loose I wondered what had happened to Lisa and if I was going to die this Halloween night. set in when I heard Lisa's voice whispering my name. When I finally settled down, she whispered for me to be quiet before she released her hold over my mouth. As she released her hold, my eyes drifted down to the strange sight below. ...


Our eyes locked with the leader of death as his staring eyes seemed to penetrate our soul. Then all went black, pitch black. I woke with a start as Lisa opened the curtains. Was it just a dream? Lisa had no idea of what I was talking about. I kept going over it with her, step by step of what had happened, each time with more and more gruesome detail. She still wouldn't agree. We went back to Devils Den in the safety of the light, but found no trace of what I thought I saw the night before. Walking home I felt silly for believing such a thing could happen. Then, just as I had began to convince myself that it couldn't have possibly happened, I saw those eyes in a stranger as he passed, they were cold and dark as death itself. "No, it's just my imagination", I said. Or was it? From then on, up until the present day I see a pair of those eyes on a weekly basis, as if saying "The deed isn't finished". Those daggering eyes will never escape my mind, because what happened on that night in 1995 left me scarred - mentally scarred. I had never been so scared in all my life. 

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