Q1 (A) Summarise the story of "The Cherry Tree"?
The cherry seed matures into a fruit-bearing tree just like children grow into adulthood and look after their parents in old age. Furthermore, Rakesh's grandfather fulfils his responsibility towards Rakesh in advising him about living a healthy life. He is the light that Rakesh needs to walk on the right path in life
The Cherry Tree is the story written by "Ruskin Bond' is a sheer analogy of the life of a tree with human life. It depicts the ability, strength, resilience and persistence showed by the cherry tree against all the odds it faced. Similarly, Rakesh also understands the value of love, compassion, affection, relationship, persistence, patience by observing the growth of the cherry tree. The story clearly emphasizes the importance of all these qualities in human life and also about the importance to preserve nature for the future generation.