Q1 Answer in One Sentence:
1) What is Book-keeping?
2) What is meant by Goods?
3) What is Capital?
What is Drawings?
5) What is Goodwill?
1. keeping records of something.
2. Goods means Prodicts.
3.the city or town whichworks as the centre of country or region.
4.A picture or diagram made with pencil.
5. Good will : friendly , helpful or cooperative.
hope this answer help you
1) Book-keeping is an art and science of recording day to day financial transactions in a systematic manner
2) A commodity which trader deals is known as goods
3) When businessesman invests money in business or bring something for business then it is known as capital
4)The amount of cash or value of goods, assets, etc., withdrawn from the business by the businessman at the time of closure of the business
5)Goodwill is aggregate of those intangible attributes of a business which contributes to its superior earning capacity over a normal return on investment