Q1. Composition
Write about a time when you were punished/scolded in school for doing something wrong.
I was scolding by my teacher in school
Punishments in schools are given to develop punctuality and discipline among students. If a student makes mistakes, he/she is punished by his/her teacher to not to repeat the same thing. When a student is punished, he is getting embarrassed and sometimes the punishment is painful which causes in him habit of punctuality as he dosent want to be punished again. I remember an incident when I was punished and it developed in me the habit of punctuality.
I was in class 6th and in our school, till class 5th the teachers were sweet and less strict so I was never punished by them and was a spoiled girl, who almost every day, gets late, not properly dressed and not doing homework. So, on the first day of the new term, I got late and was let to go as it was first day. The next day, I was again late and was punished severly. I was in murga position in the blazing sun for 1 hour and got canned also. After all this, the PT teacher was checking uniforms and I was found without badge. So, she hit me hard with a stick and told me to make 3 rounds of the school's big playground. After that I was allowed to go and when I entered the class, it was Geography class and I forgot to do my homework. Along with me, were three other students and we were all told to do hundred sit ups holding each other's ears in criss cross manner. It was the worst day of my life, getting three punishments on the first day of the new term in the first three hours, but there was more to go.
So, there was a strict teacher of ours, who teach us Science and I forgot to get the book of his class that day, so he told me, along with the second girl who was without book to go to the Principal's office. We went there and the Principal ma'am told us to stand woth our hands up for the rest of the day. The students passing by were making fun of us. It was too embarrassing and I decided to always be punctual and responsible.