Q1. Describe how the flower is attached to the stem.
Q2. What are the reproductive structures of the flower? Describe them.
23. What do you think is the adaptive value of the sticky characteristics of the stigma in reproduction?
1. Peduncle
2. Stamen and Pistil
3. Rehydration of sticky pollen
1. The peduncle, which has a swelling tip called the receptacle to which the other flower components are joined, is where the flower is linked to the stem.
2. A flower has a stamen (male flower part) or pistil (female flower part), or both, as well as accessory elements such as sepals, petals, and nectar glands as a plant's reproductive portion (Figure 19).
The male reproductive organ is the stamen. A pollen sac (anther) and a lengthy supporting filament make up this structure. This filament keeps the anther in place, allowing pollen to be dispersed by the wind, insects, or birds.
3. If the chemical signals are accurate, the stigma secretions soften the pollen grain and rehydrate the dried pollen grain with water.