Biology, asked by manudev91, 1 year ago

Q1. Difference between Acute & chronic disease?
Q2. What are pathogens?
Q3. Difference between Infections & Non-Infections disease?
Q4. State any two conditions essential for good health?
Q5. State any two conditions essential for being free of disease?
Q6. What are the different means by which infections are spread?
Q7. What is immunization?​


Answered by iqubalahmed38


its of acute and chronic diesease first column is of acute and second of chronic

Answered by lokesh7993


Acute: these diseases are not so harmful and can be cured within days.

Chornic:these diseases are more harmful and take some months to cure .

pathogens are the ones which delivers diseases from others ex: mosquito.

Infectious:these diseases can spread from one another person ex:cough cold Cortana etc

Non Infectious:these diseases cannot spread from one to another ex:cancer heartstrock etc.

being happy and playing daily.

eating hygienic food and doing physical excercise.

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