(Q1)Explain the importance
(2)Physicalexcercise Yogasanas
Asanas are beneficial for the muscles, joints, cardiovascular system, nervous system and lymphatic system, as well as the mind, psyche and Chakras (energy centres). They are psychosomatic exercises, which strengthen and balance the entire nervous system and harmonise and stabilise the practitioner’s state of mind. The effects of these exercises are a sense of contentment, clarity of mind, relaxation and a feeling of inner freedom and peace.
The breath plays an important role in the Asanas. With coordination of breath and movement, the Yoga practice becomes harmonious, the breath deepens of its own accord and the body’s circulation and metabolism are stimulated. Use of the breath greatly enhances muscle relaxation by concentrating on tense areas of the body and consciously relaxing those parts with each exhalation
Every yoga asanas is useful and every yoga asanas works on a different group of muscles. For a perfectly healthy body, the person may not find the difference between yoga asanas that he practice and said person perform every yoga asanas gracefully.
But for the person suffering from the ailment, he may find the difference and some yoga asans benefit him most.
In case of a person suffering height BP all forward bend, inverted postures help him to ease height BP
So to conclude every asanas is useful.
And one more thing Surya namaskara is a bunch of asanas which is cover most of the mussel group it has forward bending, backward bending, stretching and inversion, if you learn Surya namaskara properly it will benefit you a lot.
These things helps us in a Holistic way but some of the best outcomes of it are;
Improves your flexibility
Builds Muscle Strength
Perfects your posture
Betters your bone Health
Increase your blood flow
Ups your heart rate
Drops your blood pressure
Makes you happier
Founds a healthy lifestyle
Lowers blood sugar
Helps you focus
Relaxes your system
Improves your balance
Helps you sleep deeper
Gives you peace of mind
Helps keep you drug free
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