Q1. Explain the Triangular Trade between India, Britain and China. What were its consequences for China? (250 words)
The year is 1771-1840......
>>>The reluctance of Europeans to go and work in distant and unfamiliar glands meant a shortage of labour on the plantations.
The reluctance of Europeans to go and work in distant and unfamiliar glands meant a shortage of labour on the plantations.Thus, this was made by-
*Triangular slave trade *
>>>triangular slave trade was a trade of slaves between Europe Africa and America
>>>>>the slave trade was began in 17th century
>>>>>>French merchants sailed from the ports of Bordeaux or Nantes to the African coast where they bought slave from local chieftains
~~~~branded and shackled slaves were packed tightly into ships for 3 month long voyage across the Atlantic to the Caribbean.
.>>>> They (the slaves) were sold to plantation owners .The exploitation of slaves made it possible to meet the growing demand in European markets for sugar ,coffee and Indigo .
>>>>>port cities like Bordeaux and Nantes owed their economic prosperity to the flourishing slave trade ..throughout the 18th century there was a little criticism of slavery in France
NOTE :- the national assembly held long debates about whether the rights of man should be extended to all the French subjects but it did not pass any loss hearing opposition from Businessman whose income is dependent on the slave trade
>>>>>it was finally the convention in which 1794 legislated to free all slaves in French Overseas positions this however turn out to be a short term measure 10 years later Napoleon reintroduced slavery