English, asked by lalitas1781, 6 months ago

Q1. From the given clues write a story.

❖We thought the lion had eaten someone.

❖He saw a shoe in lion’s cage.

❖Our class had gone to the zoo.

❖Some children stood and screamed and some ran to the

Director of the zoo.

The lion had not eaten anyone, because the shoe was on the

lion’s toy.​


Answered by Anonymous
&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt; <br /><br />&lt;html&gt; <br /><br />&lt;head&gt; <br /><br />&lt;title&gt;RunningText&lt;/title&gt; <br /><br />&lt;/head&gt; <br /><br />&lt;body&gt; <br /><br />&lt;svg width="360" height="500" style="background-color:#78a"&gt; <br /><br />&lt;path id="secondi" style="fill:none; stroke:#78a; stroke-width:3;" d="M 120 -80 Q 10 17, 120 50 Q 220 75, 120 100 T 120 150 T 120 200 T 120 250 T 120 300 T 120 350 T 120 400 T 120 450 Q 260 490, 170 400 T 190 350 T 180 268 Q 115 205, 200 200 T 210 130 T 210 60 Q 370 35, 210 10 Q 180 4, 180 40 Q 170 180, 120 40 Q 90 -30, 160 -10"&gt; <br /><br />&lt;/path&gt; <br /><br />&lt;text x="-64" font-size="17" fill="rgba(0,0,0,1)"&gt; <br /><br />&lt;textPath xlink:href="#secondi"&gt;Q1. From the given clues write a story.<br /><br />❖We thought the lion had eaten someone.<br /><br />❖He saw a shoe in lion’s cage.<br /><br />❖Our class had gone to the zoo.<br /><br />❖Some children stood and screamed and some ran to the <br /><br />Director of the zoo.<br /><br />The lion had not eaten anyone, because the shoe was on the <br /><br />lion’s toy.​&lt;/textPath&gt; <br /><br />&lt;animate attributeName="x" begin="2" values="-64; 2480" dur="38" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt; <br /><br />&lt;animate attributeName="fill" begin="54" values="rgba(0,0,0,1); rgba(0,0,0,0)" dur="3" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"/&gt; <br /><br />&lt;/text&gt; <br /><br />&lt;text x="-191" font-size="11" fill="#fff"&gt; <br /><br />&lt;textPath xlink:href="#secondi"&gt;How are you&lt;/textpath&gt; <br /><br />&lt;animate attributeName="x" begin="17" values="-191; 2480" dur="27" fill="freeze" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt; <br /><br />&lt;animate attributeName="font-size" begin="51.5" values="11; 17" dur="6" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"/&gt; <br /><br />&lt;animate attributeName="fill" begin="52" values="#fff; #ddd" dur="6" fill="freeze" repeatCount="1"/&gt; <br />&lt;/text&gt; <br />&lt;/svg&gt; <br />&lt;/body&gt; <br />&lt;/html&gt;
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