Biology, asked by TusharS, 1 year ago

Q1. how are waste product excreted in amoeba?show diagramatically.
Q2. what is lymphatic system?what are its function?
Q3. what is hypertension?why is it caused?what harm can it do?
Q4. if there were no algae there would be no fish in the sea.comment.
Q5. why is glomerulai considered as dialysis bag?
Q6. trace the path followed during exchange of gases in plants.
Q7. why is it important to seperate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in animals
and birds?

Yubraj1: bro all the questions or simple and easy have I know the answers
Yubraj1: but 7 questions for just only 5 points full gonna solve this


Answered by abhijit345
answer of Q2
lymphatic system is a part of circulatory system and a vital part of immune system
comprising network of lymphatic vessels ,it carry a clear fluid called lymph
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