Math, asked by gagan3355, 9 months ago

Q1. Manoj has a red, blue and green marble of the same size. But one
of the marbles is slightly heavier or lighter than the other two. Find the
marble using the weighing balance only two times.​


Answered by RvChaudharY50

Solution :-

Taking two balls and keeping at each side of weighing balance . if one ball is heavier among them , we have condition :-

  • if they are not equal in weighing balance.
  • Now, take any ball among them.
  • let if take heavier ball , measure second time with third ball , if they are also not equal , we gets heavier ball in our hand .
  • if we choose other ball and balance that with third ball on weighing balance second time , they will be equal. Here we gets our heavier ball left alone.

In case we are lucky and gets both equal balls on first time only, then third ball is heavier left alone.

Therefore, we can conclude that, we can select heavier or lighter than the other two by weighing two times.

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