English, asked by yoashreyabhutani, 1 year ago

Q1. One of your friends is stuck home alone because of the lockdown and is not able to meet his/her family. They have been feeling sad and alone due to this. Draft a letter comforting them and making them look at the brighter side.


Answered by user7779


To (name of friend)

date (16th July 2020)


dear (name of friend) hope you r in pink of health and doing fine.....

just wanted to tell you that I know you might be feeling alone but we are here to support you during all the tough times

your friend

(your name)

sign if needed

Answered by minzaa


Dear friend,

I am fine here and hope the best for you. Hope you are healthy and save. Its been a long time since I have written to you. The last month was indeed very busy since my exams (it can be online) were going on.

By your letter I got to know that because of the lockdown you are not able to meet your family and feeling very lonely so thorough this letter I want to give you company and make you feel better. Please try to comfort yourself and relax at home. I know its a bit difficult but this pandemic covid-19 situation is very dangerous so be at home and be save. And if you miss anyone you can use different types of technology and connect through the world.

I will be waiting for your letter. Stay safe and consertrate in your studies for this is the best time to study

your lovingly,

(your name)

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