English, asked by anisingh13, 3 months ago

Q1 Read the following extract and answer the following questions.

He was frightened. ‘Goodness gracious! What’s happened? ’He cried. He

called his goat, held out his hand, and asked her to eat the buns. She

ate the buns but the sticky thing was still there. He washed his hands

in hot soapy water but nothing happened.

1. Who is ‘he’ in the extract?

2. Why was ‘he’ frightened in the extract?

3. To whom did he give his hand?

4. 4. Name the characters introduced in the story?

5. What lesson did you get from the chapter?

Q2 Add suffix or prefix in the given words and make the

sentence meaningful:

1. She looked _________ .She started to cry. (happy)

2. He passed his exam. He was _________ for the second

time. ( success )

3. The team that he supported was able to win the ________.


4. I couldn't find any _________ in his theory. (weak)

5. He wants to be a __________ when he grows up.


6. There were only a _________ of people at the match.


7. The road was too narrow, so they had to _______ it. (wide)

8. I think that you should ________ your decision. It may not

be the best thing to do. (consider)

9. You need a _________ of motivation, organization and hard

work to realize your dreams.(combine)

10. He _________ the door and let the dog out.(locked)​


Answered by divyanshpatidar51


see below


i) a

ii) d or a

iii) c

iv) a

v) a

Answered by satyam78ssu1




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