Psychology, asked by uraibraza26, 11 months ago

Q1.Read the following passage carefully and explain the steps of scientific method used in the paragraph given below. Write down the name of the steps and pick up an example from the passage to show where it has been used. (5 marks) The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of emotional intelligence in the subjective wellbeing of caregivers of patients with substance use disorder. In the light of the scientific literature it was hypothesized that emotional intelligence would predict subjective well-being among the caregivers of patients with substance use disorder. To investigate this relationship, total number of 100 caregivers of patients with substance use disorder participated in the study (50 males and 50 females). The age range of participants was from 25-50 years. Trait emotional intelligence was measured by Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form (Shahzad, Riaz, Begum, Khanum, 2014) and Subjective well-being was measured by using Institute of Clinical Psychology Subjective Well-Being Scale (ICP-SWBS; Moghal, 2012). Linear Regression analysis was conducted to test the hypothesis. Results of the study indicate that emotional intelligence significantly predicts subjective well-being among the caregivers of patients with substance use disorder. The findings of the research are beneficial in planning strategies to enhance emotional intelligence and well-being in caregivers of patients with substance use disorder and psychiatric problems can be prevented.


Answered by tanisharana158

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Answered by zubiasohail

The six steps of the scientific method are -

The purpose or question which poses a subject for enquiry.

The research or investigation by a chosen methodology.

The proposing of a hypothesis or a conjecture tentative in nature that is to be tested.

The experiment or performance and designing of the procedure for testing the hypothesis or claims.

The analysis of the results of the experiment and the data collection.

The conclusion which results in the hypothesis being rejected or accepted and opens up further areas up for study and lists drawbacks and problems encountered.

Emotional intelligence being measured is the research question.

The hypothesis is that emotional intelligence acts as a predictor of subjective wellbeing among caregivers of substance abusers.

The design of the experiment includes a sample of 100 persons divided equally among the two sexes aged between 25-50 years. The psychometric tools to measure Emotional Intelligence are Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire - Short Form by Shahzad et. al 2014, & ICP-SWPS by Moghal,2012.

Analysis is done by statistical methods namely, a linear regression analysis.

The conclusion accepts the hypothesis and confirms that emotional intelligence predicts the subjective well-being among caregivers who treat patients with substance use disorders.

Findings affirm prevention of psychiatric disorders possible by planning of strategies for enhancement of emotional intelligence among caregivers of substance abusers.

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