English, asked by betu141095, 2 months ago

Q1 Read the following passage carefully and questions answer given below 12

One day George Washington was riding along a road On the way he saw some soldiers, drawing to lift a heavy beam The Corporal was giving them orders. The Bheem was too heavy to more without help They needed just one man more. The Corporal however I would not help them. He thought he was too big an officer to come down to the level of the soldiers.

Washington watched for a minute and then askd the Corporal, why he did not help the soldiers

The Corporal at once turned round and said Don,t you know sir, that I am an officer? Washington replied beg your pardon mister Corporal. I did not know that you were such a great man "Then he at once dismounted took off his cont, rolled up sleeves and pulled The beam with all his might The Beam came up at once Washington then mounted his horse again and said to the officer "Mr corporal if in future you need the help of another man send for your General Washington the first president of America was a great man indeed

Questions A

1 Who was the first president of United State America?
2 Why did the corporal not help the soldiers?
3 Who helped them lift to the beam?
4 What lesson do you learn from the story?
5 What did Washington see on the way?​


Answered by abhinavvermagbd


2 The corporal however I would not help them he thought he was too nigam officer to come down to the level of soldiers. 1 General Washington was the first president of U.S.A 3 the beam was too heavy to more without help they needed just one man more . 4

Answered by dwivediprabhatrock


Questions A

1 Who was the first president of United State America?

2 Why did the corporal not help the soldiers?

3 Who helped them lift to the beam?

4 What lesson do you learn from the story?

5 What did Washington see on the way?

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