Political Science, asked by ps2453937, 6 months ago

Q1) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow (5)

A constitution is not a frozen and unalterable document .It is a document made by human

beings and may need revision, changes and re examination .It is true that the constitution

reflects that dreams and aspirations of the concerned society .It must also be kept in

mind that the constitution is a Framework for the the democratic governance of the

society .In this sense, it is an instrument that societies create for themselves .

संिवधान कोई जड़ और अपᳯरवतᭅनीय द᭭तावेज भी नहᱭ होता ।संिवधान कᳱ रचना मनु᭬य ही करते हᱹ और इस

नाते उसमᱶ हमेशा संिवधान ,बदलाव और पुनᳶवचार कᳱ गुंजाइश रहती है ।संिवधान समाज कᳱ इ᭒छाᲐ और

आकांᭃाᲐ का ᮧितᳲबब होता है ।संिवधान समाज को लोकतांिᮢक ढंग से चलाने का एक ढांचा भी होता है ।इस

दृि᳥ से संिवधान एक ऐसा उपकरण होता है िजसमᱶ समाज खुद अपने िलए गढता है।

(i) What do you mean by constitution ? (2)

संिवधान से आपका ᭍या ता᭜पयᭅ है ?

(ii) What is meant by constitution as a living document ? (2)

संिवधान कᳱ जीवंतता का ᭍या अथᭅ है?

(iii) Give illustration of Indian constitution as a living document? (1)​


Answered by kushagrapatel4895r


you can search on Google

Answered by kwesinnamdi


1 a constitution is document written by human

2 it reflects the dreams and aspirations of a concerned society

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