Q1-- शब्दार्थ।
१. कंठ--
२. वन--
३. प्रसंग--
४. विंगान--
५. रस--
म mā -- the fifth and final letter of the fifth pentad (i.e. पवर्ग) of the Devanagari alphabet.
मँगता māgta: -- (nm) a beggar.
मँगतापन -- beggary.
मँगनी māgnī: -- (nf) betrothal, engagement; loan, a borrowed thing.
मँगनी-की चीज़ -- a borrowed thing.
मँगनी-देना -- to lend.
मँगनी-लेना -- to borrow.
मँगनी-होना -- to be engaged/betrothed.
मंगल māṅgal -- (nm) (the planet) Mars; Tuesday; auspiciousness; well-being, welfare; (a) auspicious.
मंगल-कलश -- see मंगल-घट.
मंगल-कामना -- good wishes, benediction.
मंगलकारक/कारी -- good, auspicious; benedictory.
मंगल-कार्य -- a festive occasion, an auspicious ceremony/function.
मंगल-गान/गीत -- auspicious song/singing.
मंगल-ग्रह -- the Mars; a lucky star.
मंगल-घट -- the water-filled pitcher placed in front of the deity on auspicious occasions.
मंगल-देवता -- a tutelary deity.
मंगल-ध्वनि -- the tumultous sound of auspicious songs etc.; marriage-music or singing.
मंगलप्रद -- good, bestowing welfare, auspicious; benedictory.
मंगलमय -- good, happy, auspicious.
मंगलवार/वासर -- Tuesday.
मंगल-शब्द -- auspicious/benedictory utterance or word.
मंगल-समाचार -- good news, happy news.
मंगलसूचक -- auguring good luck, auspicious.
मंगलसूत्र -- lit. the lucky thread—the sacred marriage thread worn by a woman as long as her husband lives; the thread wrapped round the wrist on auspicious occasions.
मंगल-गाना -- to sing auspicious songs on festive occasions.
मंगलाचरण māṅgala:charāṉ -- (nm) benediction, benedictory verse(s) recited on auspicious occasions; pronouncing a blessing; the initial verse in a book meant to invoke divine blessing.
मंगलाचार māṅgala:cha:r -- (nm) initial benedictory recitations or songs etc. marking the commencement of a ceremony/festive occasion.
मंगलामुखी māṅgala:mukhi: -- (nf) a prostitute.
मंगली maṅgali: -- (a) a boy or girl whose horoscope has Mars in the fourth, eighth or the twelfth place.
मंगलेच्छु māṅgalechchhu -- (a) wishing well/prosperity, desirous of (somebody's) well-being.
मंगलोत्सव māṅgalotsav -- (nm) celebration, festivity; benedictory function.
मँगाना māga:nā: -- (v) to cause to bring; to order.
मँगेतर māgetar -- (nm and nf) fiancé or fiancée; (a) betrothed.
मंगो/ल māṅgol -- (nm) a central Asian tribe.
मंगोली -- Mangolian.
मंच māṇch -- (nm) a dais, stage; platform; forum.
मंच-उपस्थापन -- presentation on the stage.
मंचन -- staging; presentation on the stage.
मंच-प्रस्तुति -- stage presentation.
मंच-भीति -- stage fear.
मंचीय māṇchi:y -- (a) pertaining to or concerned with the stage, theatrical.
मंचीय-रूप -- theatrical/stagerepresentation.
मंजन māṇjān -- (nm) tooth powder, dentifrice.
मँजना mājnā: -- (v) see माँजना.
मँजा हुआ -- seasoned, skilled; refined.
मंज़र mānzar -- (nm) a scene, spectacle.
मंजरित māṇjarit -- (a) having clusters of flowers, blossomed, flowered.
मंजरी māṇjari: -- (nf) a sprout, new shoot/cluster of flowers; an ear of corn.
मँजाई māja:i: -- (nf) (process or act of) cleansing/polishing or the remuneration paid therefore; refinement, polishing.
मंज़िल māṇzil -- (nf) destination, stage; storey.
मंज़िल-ए-मकसूद -- the appointed destination.
मंज़िल-दर-मंज़िल चलते जाना -- to go on crossing one destination after another; to go on marching non-stop.
मंज़िल-भारी होना -- a journey to be very assiduous/hard.
मंज़िल-मारना -- to cut a Gordian knot; to complete a journey, to reach one's destination.
मंजिष्ठ māṇjishṭḥ -- (nm) madder.
मंजीर māṇji:r -- (nm) cymbal(s).
मँजीरा māji:ra: -- (nm) cymbal(s).
मंजु māṇju -- (a) beautiful, pretty, comely, lovely.
मंजुकेशी -- having beautiful/lovely hair; hence मंजुता( nf).
मंजुल māṇjul -- (a) see मंजु; hence मंजुलता (nf).
मंजूर māṇzu:r -- (a) approved; sanctioned; granted; accepted.
मंजूरशुदा -- approved, sanctioned; okayed.
मंज़ूरी māṇzu:ri: -- (nf) approval; sanction; acceptance.
मंज़ूरी-देना -- toapprove, to sanction, to okay.
मंज़ूरी-मिलना -- to get approval/sanction, to be okayed.
१. कंठ-- गला ; गरदन
२. वन-- ऐसा स्थान जहाँ बहुत दूर तक हर जगह पेड ही पेड़ हों।
३. प्रसंग--
४. विंगान--