Biology, asked by contactsaky, 1 year ago

Q1. What are weeds?How are they harmful for the crops?
Q2. What is the best time for removal of weeds?
Q3. Spraying of weedicides affects the health of the farmers. Comment.
Q4. Describe two ways of controlling weeds.
Q5. Differentiate between harvesting,threshing and winnowing.
Q6. List the ways in which grains are stored in godowns.


Answered by gagan719260


1- weeds are unwanted plants that grow along with crop . they are harmful bcz they take all the nutrients that crop need and they also damage crop .

2- when they starts grow.

3- yes spraying weedicides affect farmers h.ealth but farmer have to cover his nose with a piece of cloth .

4- ( a) by spraying weedicides

( b) by using khurpi etc ( natural method)

5 - ( a ) harvesting - process of gathering a ripe of crop from field .

( b) threshing - it is the process of separating husk attached with crop .

(C ) winnowing- it is the method in which grain is separating from chaff .

6 - grains are stored in gunny bags and pesticides are sprayed on them to protect it from insects..


Answered by mananshah71714


ans1) Weeds are the unwanted plants that compete with the crop plants for nutrition and various other factors. Thus, they damage crops by affecting their growth. Weeds compete with the main crop plant for air, water ,sunlight and nutrients in the soil making them deficient for the main crop.

ans2) The best time to remove weeds is when the soil is damp and moist. The day after it has rained is a great day for weeding. Damp soils are loose and make it easier to remove them with their roots. Otherwise, you may run the risk of leaving the roots because they are stuck in the soil.

ans3) Weedicides are chemicals used to destroy the weeds. They do not harm the crops, but can have a bad effect on the farmer's health.So, the farmers should cover their mouth while spraying these weedicides.It is also mentioned in lesson-7 of this chapter.


Let sleeping weeds lie. Kill weeds at their roots but leave the soil—and dormant weed seeds—largely undisturbed.  

Weed when the weeding's good.

ans5) Threshing is the beating of the crop against a stone to separate the grains from the stalk. Winnowing is process of separation of the husk from the seeds by blowing air. The lighter husk flies away and the heavier seeds fall down. 1) the process of separating dust particles with the help of wind is called winnowing.



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