q1 What do we observe when salt is added to water and stirred?
q2 Define Kinetic energy.
Q3 Why do liquids diffuse faster than solids?
q4Why is balloon seller able to fill a large number of balloons from a single cylinder of air?
q5 A sponge is compressible, yet it is classified as a solid. Explain. Why?
q6 Salt can take the shape of a spoon or a jar in which it is kept, yet it is classified as a solid. Why?
q7 What is sublimation? Name two substance which sublime.
q8 Define Latent heat of vaporization.
q9 Boiling is a bulk phenomena. Explain.
q10 Why do people sprinkle water on open ground on a hot, dry day?
q11 You have two beakers, one has ice at 0°C and the other has water at 0°C. In which beaker will the temperature increase faster and why?
q12 Differentiate between evaporation and boiling.
q13 Explain how evaporation case cooling.
q14 How will you justify that ice, water and steam are the three states of a substance and not different substances
Answered by
1: We observe that salt is soluble in water /nature
2: It is a type of energy which is possessed by particles of matter due to its motion.
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