History, asked by as99999, 1 year ago

Q1: what were the basic principle of marxist theory Q2: How did social democrats disagree with socialists revolution arises Q3: Why did kerenskii gov. became unpopular?
Q4: What were the main objectives of russian revolutionaries?
Q5: Why did the Bolshevik party accept the April Thesis. Give any 5 reasons.
Q6: Mention the imp. steps taken by lenin to improve the agriculture and economy of Russia?


Answered by DaIncredible
answer of 6:
I) After the february 1905 revolution, a provisional government under Kerenski was formed. It was dominated by army officials, land owners and industrialists.
II) The liberals and the socialists who wanted an elected government were ignored. The government failed to introduced reforms demanded by the socialists. For example- Lenin's April Theses.
III) The conflict between the provisional government and the Bolsheviks became severe. In September 1917, Lenin began to discuss for an uprising against the government. The Bolsheviks supporters and the Petrograd Soviet formed a Military Revolutionary Committee for the actions.
IV) The uprising began on 24th October 1917. The Committee, under Trotskii order to seize the government offices and arrest ministers. Petrograd came under the Committee control
V) The socialist, under Lenin had seized power. The Russian Congress Soviet took full political power on 25th October 1917.
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