Q1. who were African Americans?Q2 what was done by the indian government to improve the lives of communities and individual? Q3.what was the condition of the African Americans in the USA prior to 1950? Q4 How do you think midday meal programme might help to promote greater equality? Q5 what was the contribution of Rosa parks in the civil rights movement? Q6 write a note on the civil rights act of 1964? Q7 what does the disabilities Act state? Q8 what are the challenges of democracy?Q9 List three benefits of midday meal programme?
The key feature of democracy is equality.
In a democratic country like India, all adults are allowed to vote
irrespective of their caste, creed, religion. An adult wheter he is rich
or poor, educated or uneducated, he has right to vote.
Cate system is one of the most common form of inequality in India.
Dalit is the term that is used by so called lower castes to adress
themselves. They were not treated equaly in the pas . They were
forced to serve so called rich or upper caste people.There situation
has improved now, but still it is in practice in rular areas.
When persons are treated unequally, their dignity is voilated badly.
Indian constitution has given right to equality to every person. That
is every individual in the country, including male or female from all
castes, religion, tribes, educational and economical background are
recognised as equal and shares equal rights and opportunities.
According to Indian democracy- “every person right from president
to a domestic worker is equal before the law and has to obey the
same law”. No person can be discriminated against on the basis of
their religion, race, caste, birth place or whether they are male or
Each and every person is allowed to visit all public places including
playgrounds, hotel, shops, markets and mall.
Government has set up several schemes in order to increase the lives
of communities and people who have been treated unequally for
several centuries. One of these schemes includes midday meal serving
scheme in schools.
Civil Rights Movement was started under Civil Right Act of 1964 in
USA to prohibit descrimination on the basis of race, religion or
national origi