Physics, asked by ranitchandelz, 1 year ago

Q1) Why do unlike poles attract and like poles repel?
Q2)Similarly why do unlike charges attract and like charges repel?

I know that it is the property of magnets and charges to do this but certain things forced to ask this question and those are:-

1) Newton once asked ''why do all things fall? why don't they go up or stay at their place''.
note- he asked something very universal and questioned about the properties of matter

-because of the above question in his mind he posed the concept of gravitational force. well it is still unknown why all bodies get attracted and not repel, which is a question to bother about.

note-I would request the readers not to put the following in the answer:-
1) it is the property of charges and magnets to do the above things
2)unlike things always attract and like things always repel

reason for not putting point 1 and 2 as your answer......
for point 1) if i ask you ''how do humans walk?'' will you say that it is the property of humans to you won't say that instead you will say the brain sends signals to our legs ....our legs expand and contract....due to 3rd law of motion we are able to walk. well same applies to the above question (i am not asking you whether it is their property or not.

for point 2) well science needs proofs for everything so we cannot make a
statement of our own.

I HOPE that i get a satisfactory answer after writing so much


Answered by tani10
because it is magnetic flux

ranitchandelz: could you please explain me how and why (because what if it it has magnetic flux?
Answered by prajapatyk
The reason behind this is magnetic flux lines.
Flux lines start from north pole and end on south pole.
We can say flux is responsible for force.It is only in magnetic substances due to their electronic composition and its arrangement,if we discuss this then the answer will be huge.And some substances like iron can also be converted into magnet,even here,electronic composition and its arrangement is responsible.Electronic composition and its arrangement means ,electrons is further made up of by some particles and how those particles are arranged.
A magnetic line of force originates from the north pole of a magnet and ends at its south pole.
When the north and south pole ends of a magnetic object are put into close proximity ,they form an attraction because the magnetic lines continue together in the same direction .
Like poles repel because the lines of force are head to head.

As it is many times said and also by many great scientists ,that electric current and magnetism have a close relationship.That is why both the questions have almost same answer.

A charged body has an electric field around it.
The ability of an electric charge to attract and repel other charge is a physical force.
To show these forces lines of forces are used.
When two like charges interacts the lines of forces are in opposite direction.Hence they experience a repulsive interaction.
When unlike charges interacts the field line or line of forces combines or field line have a mutual interaction ,in short, field lines continues and have attractive interaction between them.

We also observe that current carrying wire produces magnetic field.
Because all the the electrons which were in random direction comes in same direction,and each electron have two poles,then a field will be forming from north pole of electrons to south pole of electrons also emf force will be given by battery,this leads for movement of electrons in the same direction which we call as electric current.Also a magnetic field will be produced as because of poles of electrons.
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