Q1. Why do we use symbols that are universally acceptable? Explain
For the convenience suppose if a person of any country is abroad and don't know the language of that country so he can use those symbol
Symbols are universally acceptable as they express / convey thoughts and messages easily to everyone.
Symbols are everywhere in contemporary culture-from emojis and advertising to religious symbols and signs, they give us context, instructions and significance. It turns out that communicating with symbols is special to the human species-indeed, it is one of the highlights that separates us from every other life. Commonly, humanity has been using symbols and signs since the start of time to express thoughts and messages that were otherwise uncertain or too complicated to explain. For instance, when no written language was accessible, our ancestors produced only graphic depictions of things, deeds, and individuals in cave paintings and stone cravings to convey data and knowledge to others. These symbols ultimately developed in distinct ways in the written language .