English, asked by nandahardik31, 1 month ago

Q1- Write a short story, in about 120-150 words, based on the following hints and give it a
suitable title
Hints: a ghost appears bolore the boy-- the ghost was only visibk to the boy-- il DevCT
harmed him but it seemed as it wanted to say something to him-- the boy was afraid of it-- he
wanted to shout whenever it appeared before him but he couldn'-- he didn't even share this thing
with his parents-- one fine day the ghost came near to the boy--it said it wanted to suy


Answered by aparnakrishna23


A ghost is considered to be the spirit of a dead person. Scientists say that there are no real ghosts,[1][2] but many people believe that there are. There a are huge amount of stories about ghosts in books and movies. Sometimes the ghost is the spirit of a person who was killed by someone or who was already dead. The ghost may stay on Earth because he or she has unfinished problems or is still trying to say good bye to people who they missed.[source?] Sometimes ghosts are said to live in a particular locality, for example an abandoned house.

nandahardik31: can you please write this story
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