Q1. Write reasons for invalid variable names.
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Variable name may not start with a digit or underscore, and may not end with an underscore. ... The following are examples of valid variable names: age, gender, x25, age_of_hh_head. The following are examples of invalid variable names: age_ (ends with an underscore)
Valid C variables are those which can be used in a program in accordance with the variable naming rules.
For eg:- variables like _marks,marks,MARKS,simple_interest etc. can be used for a program.
Because according to variable naming rules:
A variable cannot start with a number or numeric value like 1,2,3 etc.
No special characters can be used other than underscore(_). For eg :- ×*%#@ ., are prohibited in variable names.
A variable can only start with underscore or an alphabet(uppercase and lowercase boht are included).
So, valid variables follow the above all rules while invalid variables do not .
Examples of invalid variables names are :-
1name , name! , %age etc.
Hope you get my points .
Thanks for reading.