Q12. Explain 4Rs Principal in three to four lines?
Waste is defined as unwanted and unusable materials and is regarded as a substance that is of no use. Waste that we see in our surroundings is also known as garbage. Garbage is mainly considered as a solid waste that includes wastes from our houses, wastes from schools, offices, etc and wastes from industries and factories.
What is the meaning of 4R?
The 4R means Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Restore.
(i) Reduce: We should reduce the use of non-biodegradable compounds that are harmful to us.
Example: Instead of using polythene bags we should give preference to paper bags.
(ii) Reuse: We should reuse the materials instead of dumping them.
Example: Plastic bags can be reused to make decorative things.
(iii) Recycle: Non-biodegradable materials should be subjected to the recycling process.
Example: Plastic materials.
(iv) Recovery: If the waste remains after it is been reused and recycled, we can use it to generate energy at our waste-energy plant. This is known as Recovery.