Q12 Write all prime numbers between 20 to 40.
Q13Check divisibility of 297144 by 5,9,11 and 6 using divisibility rule.
this is the answer of your 12th question
prime number- a number that have only two factors namely 1 and itself.
Step-by-step explanation:
2o to 40 = 23,29,31,and 37
Next answer
297144 by 5= the number must end with 0 and 5 . 297144 is end with 4 that is not divisible by 5 .
297144 by 9 = sum of all digit is 2+9+7+1+4+4= 27 that is divisible by 9 .
297144 by 11 = sum of its digits in odd places 4+1+9= 14.sum of its digit in even places = 4+7+2=13 . Their differences 14- 13= 1 . theirfore 297144 is not divisible by 11.
297144 by 6 = to make the number divisible by 6 the number must be divisible by 2 and 3 .
297144 is end with 4 that is a even number so it is divisible by 2.
297144 its sums 2+9+7+1+4+4= 27 which is divisible by 3 .so 297144 is divisible by 6 .