Q13) Salt is produced naturally from sea water. Sea water contains common salt mixed in it. When sea
water is allowed to stand is shallow pits, the water slowly turns into water vapour. In a few days, the
water completely vanishes leaving behind the solid salts. This salt is further purified and used for
domestic purpose
a) Name the separation method used in this process.
b) Which type of mixture is separated by the above process?
c) Which source of energy helps in converting sea water into water vapour?
d) Name any two components which are seen in sea water.
014) The world around us provides different forms of energy We cannot imagine a life without energy The
13. Sea water contains many salts mixed in it. One of them is common salt, when sea water is allowed to stand in shallow pits, water gets evaporated by sunlight and slowly turns into water vapor. In a few days, the water evaporates completely leaving behind the solid salts. Common salt is then obtained from this mixture of salts by further purification
a.Distillation. It is used for the separation of components of a mixture containing two miscible liquids that boil without decomposition and have sufficient difference in their boiling point. In this technique liquid mixtures are boiled, vaporized, condensed and isolated.
b.Various types of separation processes are:
Simple distillation.
Fractional distillation.
c.The sunIn nature, this basic process is responsible for the water (hydrologic) cycle. The sun supplies energy that causes water to evaporate from surface sources such as lakes, oceans, and streams. The water vapor eventually comes in contact with cooler air, where it re-condenses to form dew or rain.
d.Dissolved inorganic substances
ionic constituentg/kg of seawaterrelative concentrationchloride19.1621.0000sodium10.6790.8593magnesium1.2780.0974sulfate2.6800.0517
14Law of Conservation of Energy Examples