Q18. In which season is cotton planted? What is its course of growth ?
Cotton is planted in spring,grown over summer and picked in Autumn. The developmental phases for cotton can be divided into five main growth stages: (1) germination and emergence (2) seedling establishment (3) leaf area and canopy development (4) flowering and boll development and (5) maturation.
Answer =
Cotton is grown only in the kharif season. Harvest begins in October in northern India and typically continues until January in the rest of the country.
The developmental phases for cotton can be divided into five main growth stages: (1) germination and emergence (2) seedling establishment (3) leaf area and canopy development (4) flowering and boll development and (5) maturation (Fig. 1).
Flower to Open Boll: 45 to 65
Growth Stage: Days
Planting to Emergence: 4 to 9
Planting to Harvest Ready: 130 to 160