English, asked by bhavyarajput2, 1 year ago

Q2 Answer the following questions in 80-100 words:

1. Historians divided Indian History into arcient, medieval and modern division too has its problems. What are these problems?

2. What were the effects of "Battle of Plassey"?

3. Mention the differences between the Mughal Army and Sepoy Army.


Answered by CuteSiddhi
i only knew 2 answers......
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Answered by BhavyaRajput3
1.Moving away from British classification, historians have usually divided Indian history into ‘ancient’, ‘medieval’ and ‘modern’. This division too has its problems:

It is a periodisation that is borrowed from the West where the modern period was associated with the growth of all the forces of modernity – science, reason, democracy, liberty and equality. Medieval was a term used to describe a society where these features of modern society did not exist.

British rule people did not have equality, freedom or liberty. Nor was the period one of economic growth and progress. Many historians therefore refer to this period as ‘colonial’.

2.The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory of the British East India Company over the Nawab of Bengal and his French[1] allies on 23 June 1757. The battle consolidated the Company's presence in Bengal, which later expanded to cover much of India over the next hundred year's
As a result of the war of Plassey, the French were no longer a significant force in Bengal. In 1759, the British defeated a larger French garrison at Masulipatam, securing the Northern Circars. By 1759, Mir Jafar felt that his position as a subordinate to the British could not be tolerated.
The Battle of Plassey and the resultant victory of the British East India company led to puppet governments instated by them in various states of India.
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