English, asked by risha85, 8 months ago

Q2 Choose the correct preposition
his children there were present his nephews and nieces. (Beside 1
2. A fat man walked
the room (In / Into)
3. They have lived in Delhi
ten years (For / Since)
4. He listened
_ my advice. (To / With)
5. You should be hear _10pm (on / by)
6. I am dreaming
becoming a famous singer one day (for about)
7. I am satisfied
the exam result (with/about)
8. As a scientist, I specialise marine biology. (atin)
9. The winning numbers are chosen _random. (at/by)
10. I can't remember the word. It is
the tip of my tongue con lat)
11. His performance was
average (under/below)
12. Since I am tall, I can see many people in the audience. (over I under)
13. I leaned
the wall because my legs are hurting. (down/against)
14. Let's walk
_ the river. (towards/in)
his mistake. (of / for)
15. He must repent ___ his mistake. ( of/for).


Answered by alhamsk6412


1 beside

2 into

3 since

4 to

5 by

6 about

7 about

8 in

9 at


11 below

12 over

13 down

14 towards


Answered by SharadSangha

The correct answers are:

1. Besides

2. Into

3. Since

4. To

5. By

6. About

7. With

8. In

9. At

10. On

11. Below

12. Over

13. Against

14. Towards

15. For


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