English, asked by kanojiaanita52, 11 months ago

Q2. Develop the following hints into a readable story of 100-120 words
8 marks
Once there was a farmer lots of farm animals one goose laid golden eggs daily
farmer sold golden eggs daily became richer and richer
neglected his farma
other animals farmer and wife became greedy
killed the goose
ripped oper
found nothing
greed ruined then​


Answered by swapnilsarje17


A farmer and a hen

Once upon a time there lived a farmer in a village. He was very poor. His income was very small. He passed his days with great difficulty. One day, someone gave him a hen. It laid a golden egg daily. He sold the egg every day. Soon he became a rich man. All began to respect him in the village. He became greedy. He thought that there must be a storehouse of golden eggs inside the hen. He should get them in a day. Then he would be the richest man in the village. He took a knife and cut stomach of the hen. He did not get even a single egg. He lost not only the golden eggs but the hen also.

Don't be greedy

One night her husband had gone to a faraway city to sell a golden egg. She took the sharpest knife out and cut the goose apart. To her horror, she did not find any egg inside the goose. Only entrails and blood came out. The greedy wife was left repenting and remorseful.  

The farmer was also very sad. He said to his wife, “If you were not so greedy, we would not have lost the golden goose that God had gifted us

Answered by mmurgan254


Develop the following hints into a readable story and give a suitable title.

A rich farmer - lot of land - cattle and servants - two sons - happy life - After some years

younger son unhappy - asked for his share of the property - wouldn't listen to father's

advice - got his share - sold them all - went away to another country - fell into bad ways -

soon all money gone - poor - no one to help him - understood his mistake.

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