Social Sciences, asked by PhantomDXis, 8 months ago

Q2. Do you think that present
methodology of poverty estimation is appropriate?

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Answered by yogichaudhary


HeYaA mate________^_^HeRe iS tHe ansWeR tO uR qUeStiOn..❤✌


No, the present methodology of poverty estimation is in appropriate because it takes into account only the basic needs of food, clothing, fuel, etc. ... (a) The amount which is fixed as the poverty line does not include the margin for price fluctuations and price rise which is constantly occurring.

Answered by super15


(i) I don't think that present methodology

of poverty estimation is appropriate.

It takes into consideration the levels

of income and consumption only.

But, in fact, poverty should be looked

through other social indicators such

as illiteracy level, lack of general

resistance due to malnutrition, lack

of access to health care, lack of job

opportunities, lack of access to safe

drinking water, sanitation, etc.

(ii) Poverty should also be looked through

on the basis of social exclusion and


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