Computer Science, asked by MasterSolver2, 22 days ago

Q2. Fill in the blanks:
a) __________is a computer program that can replicate itself and
spread from one computer to another.
b)Anti-virus is the example of ____________software.
c) In an IoT device data from various sensors is gathered over
d)Whatever you type in an active cell also appears in _________.
e) __________is a way that allows criminals to get access to your
f) ____________ is used to give visual effect to an object on the
b) Who am I?
i. I am the view that displays one slide at a time in the Slide Area,
and is used mainly for editing and creating slides.
ii. I am the keyboard shortcut to run a slide show.
iii.I am the view that helps to navigate between slides, to add more
text, to copy in text from other application, to rearrange bullet
iv.I am the keyboard shortcut to save the presentation.
v. I am the view that displays thumbnail sized representations of all
slides available in the presentation.
c) Give examples in each case.
i. A Home Control System that controls electronic devices
through smartphone.
ii. A T-shirt that can keep track of our health.
iii. A Device that allows users to control their home’s temperature
from their smartphone or tablet.
iv. A tennis Racquet that has sensors.
v. A Smart Bag that can track the things kept inside.
True or False:
a) A situation in which an individual makes another person feel
uncomfortable online is hacking.
b)Operating software is an example of application software.
c) To add recipients’ addresses at top of the document click Insert
merge field.
d)An IoT devices usually consists of sensors and microcontroller.
e) In an excel sheet the active cell is indicated by a dotted border.
f) F3 key helps to view presentation in full screen.


Answered by hashman01



Answered by Anonymous

Natural resources are resources that exist without any actions of humankind. This includes all valued characteristics such as commercial and industrial use, aesthetic value, scientific interest and cultural value. On Earth, it includes sunlight, atmosphere, water, land along with all vegetation, and animal life.

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