Q2. Fill in the blanks with the Past and the Past Participle forms of the given verbs –
S.NO Base Form (V1) Past Form (V2) Past Participle Form (V3)
1. Visit
2. Worry
3. Watch
4. Awake
5. Bend
6. Burn
7. Feel
8. Acquire
9. Allow
10. Bite
11. Choose
12. Dig
13. Hurt
14. Swim
15. Spend
16. Shine
17. Dream
18. Strive
19. Shrink
20. Dive
Answered by
- visited
- worried
- watched
- awaked
- bended
- burned
- felt
- Acquired
- Allowed
- Bitten
- Chosen
- digged
- hurted
- swim
- spend
- shine
- Dreamed.
- strived
- shrinked
- Dived
Plz i want to be friend of yours,...... msg me
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