English, asked by samridhgera11, 9 days ago

Q2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Of man's earliest inventions we know very little. The first may have been the use of a stone to crack a
nut. The next was possibly the use of a stick to strike an enemy. Once man found the sticks and stones
were useful, it was only a step further to the making of a crude weapon by fastening a stone to the end
of a stick
Man used sticks and stones long before he dared to meddle with fire, for the early man like all
wild creatures dreaded fire. Fire, of course, existed; for lightning must sometimes have set the forest
ablaze just as it does today, and in those days volcanoes were much more active than they are now.
The forgotten hero who first dared to tame fire to his own use was the greatest of early inventors; for
once man had fire he was master of all lower creatures.
a) What may have been man's earliest inventions?
b) Why did man not tame fire as early as he came to know the use of sticks and stones?
c) What is there to show that fire existed long-long ago?
d) Give the opposites of :
() forgotten (ii) earliest
e) Write the antonyms of the given words from the passage -
(i)few (ii) dim (iii) always (iv) part​


Answered by singhjasrajm

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